


Thank you for visiting our website.

As experts when it comes to building refurbishment in London, we appreciate your time. So, we have just two questions for you: what construction, maintenance or repairs are you looking to do? And how can we help you to achieve it?

Are you an Architect?

01 Architects

Are you an Architect?

If you’re an architect, here because you’re looking for an experienced, reliable and intelligent construction partner, take a look by clicking here.

02 Property Owner

Are you a Property Owner?

If you’re a homeowner or property owner, who wants a trustworthy construction company to extend, enhance or refurbish your property, this page is for you.

Are you a Property Manager?

03 Property Manager

Are you a Property Manager?

If you’re a property management company who wants to work with an experienced and responsive maintenance company, you’ll find this page of interest to you.

04 Public Sector

Are you a Public Sector?

And if you’re in the Public Sector or a Local Authority who needs a maintenance partner who knows how to work in public buildings – and around the public – this link may be of help to you.
Public Sector Maintenance Work

What We Do




05 Contact

Get in touch

We love our website, but we always prefer to have a conversation with you, whether you are involved in property maintenance in Barnet, house extensions in Chelsea or building refurbishment in across London. That way we can find out exactly what you need and how best we can help you achieve it. So, if you want to talk to us about your project, call David or Dan on 020 3727 6070.

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If you’re not quite ready to chat, please browse the rest of our website to get a flavour of who we are and how we Construct, Maintain and Repair for clients like you.

07 End

Thank you